Extinction Rebellion Applauds International Community’s Ability to Act with Urgency

Saturday, March 14, 2020 by Extinction Rebellion


  • Extinction Rebellion is offering its love and support to all communities around the globe impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  • The global movement welcomes the urgency with which some governments, organisations and institutions are acting in the face of coronavirus
  • While rapid reaction is a model of response, proactive action can reduce the greatest impacts of both pandemics and ecological/climate breakdown

13th March, 2020, (Global) - Extinction Rebellion exists to protect and preserve life, both for now and for future generations. Our global movement stands in solidarity with all those affected by coronavirus.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) welcomes the urgency with which many governments, organisations and institutions are acting in the face of the emergency represented by the Corona/Covid19 pandemic. Our current reality requires political will and quick, decisive action to mitigate, adapt and evolve to an existential threat.

The movement's global network, which came together to face the Climate and Ecological Emergency, is adapting to this crisis, and hopes to be part of the force which connects people in community resilience at this time.

As our ability to gather is greatly affected, each Extinction Rebellion group will consider whether it shall carry out any local activity in coming weeks and months within the context of the planned International Rebellion. The ongoing Rebellion will adapt to this situation and we expect activities around the world will vary from community aid and assistance, to simply providing connection to people.

As the climate breakdown and ecological collapse continues and we see more outbreaks and pandemics, Extinction Rebellion will work to provide a growing community of compassion and care, and create spaces to put into reality how the world could be different. Now is the time to show how humans can come together and showcase other ways of existence. We must pull together as communities, protecting the most vulnerable. We must Rebel for Life.

Learn More about Extinction Rebellion

For further information please contact: [email protected]


反抗灭绝是一个分散的、国际的和政治上无党派的运动,利用非暴力的直接行动和公民抗命来说服政府对气候和生态紧急情况采取公正的行动。 我们的运动是由来自各行各业的人组成的,他们用自己的时间和精力以不同的方式做出贡献。我们很可能有一个离你很近的当地分部,我们很想听到你的声音。 参与进来 ...或考虑捐一次款