Newsletter XTRA #61

Friday, February 11, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion

Welcome to Newsletter Xtra where all the wonderful rebel actions we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter come to stay. This month Newsletter Xtra brings you reports from France, Argentina, Croatia, Northern Ireland, Portugal and more…

14 JAN | London, UK Three XR Christians on trial for stopping a train in 2019 were found by a jury to be lawfully exercising their right to peaceful protest.

18 JAN | The Hague, The Netherlands A dozen rebels occupied the Ministry of Finance and demanded an end to fossil fuel subsidies. After two hours, nine were arrested.

18 JAN | Argentina Since the government greenlit plans to allow Equinor and Shell to drill, frack, and do seismic surveys off its coast, mass rallies have been held across the country.

21 JAN | Paris, France 74 activists from a coalition of groups including XR took over Le Bourget airport to highlight how the richest are most responsible for the climate crisis.

21 JAN | Berlin, Germany XR and Animal Rebellion activists blockade Bayer-Monsanto, which creates ecocidal herbicides like bee-killing glyphosate Photos: Stefan Mueller

26 JAN | Zagreb, Croatia Rebels protest an energy security conference, saying it was organised to protect profits not the planet.

26 JAN | Belfast, Northern Ireland Rebels doorstepped their Parliament to highlight how the government’s Blue Hydrogen energy strategy is a pro-fracking scam.

4 FEB | Lisbon, Portugal Activists rally outside Repsol’s Portuguese offices during the Global Coastline Rebellion.

Über die Rebellion

extinction rebellion ist eine selbstorganisierte, dezentralisierte, internationale und politisch unabhängige Bewegung, die gewaltfreien zivilen Widerstand einsetzt, um Regierungen dazu zu bewegen, auf gerechte Art und Weise auf die ökologische Krise und den Klimanotstand zu reagieren. Die Menschen in unserer Bewegung kommen aus allen Lebensbereichen und bringen auf unterschiedliche Weise ihre Zeit und Energie ein. Wahrscheinlich gibt es eine lokale Gruppe ganz in deiner Nähe, und wir würden uns freuen, von dir zu hören. Mach mit …or erwäge eine Spende zu machen.